Hair loss can happen to anyone at any age, reason could be many, such as an imbalance or unhealthy diet, stress or depression, hormonal imbalance, lifestyle and many more, whatever may the reason be, the problem is, that it can have a very deep impact on person self-confidence, as you are not only losing your hair but also your attractive personality. Though there is nothing to worry about as there are a lot of hair loss treatments and surgeries available that you can opt to restore your lost hairs.
Mesotherapy process
Mesotherapy process is very simple. During the mesotherapy procedure nutrients, vitamins and minerals those are necessary for escalating the process of hair growths are directly injected through micro-injections in the scalp around the affected area. Mesotherapy hair loss treatment is very fast, other than any hair restoration treatment. In certain cases, patients reported positive signs of hair growth after their first Mesotherapy session, though usually optimum results after Mesotherapy treatment can be expected after the fifth session. The time of Mesotherapy session totally depend upon the area that needs to be treated.
Mesotherapy Hair loss Treatment FAQ
Is Mesotherapy Treatment Painful?
As during Mesotherapy treatment nutrients are injected in the fatty layer below the skin and veins or muscles are not touched, so the patient will not feel any pain, though few patients reported that they felt a pinch or burning sensation during and after the procedure. To give you relief from the burning sensation your surgeon might give you an ointment or gel that can be applied on the treated area.
When can I expect Results after Mesotherapy?
Hair growth results after Mesotherapy hair loss treatment may differ from patient to patient, as some of the patients reported results just after their first session, though the usual time expected to show results after Mesotherapy treatment is fourth to the fifth session.
How many and how long Mesotherapy sessions do I need to take?
Ten to fifteen Mesotherapy sessions are required to complete the hair restoration treatment, and every Mesotherapy session will be conducted with a gap of one week and time per Mesotherapy session may vary from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the area to be treated for hair loss.
What are the Possible Side Effects of Mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a safe process and there are no side effects at all that you need to worry about, though in few patients it is recorded that the treated area might experience bruising. This will not last for more than a week
As an ending note to this article, we will say that if you are thinking of getting your hair restored then mesotherapy is the best process available. Mesotherapy is painless and side effects are next to zero, but before you opt mesotherapy for your hair restoration, it would be best to consult an expert hair restoration or hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai as every patient is different and so are their needs.